Phantom Brave
The protagonist of Phantom Brave is a 13 year old girl named Marona. Having lost her parents at a young age, Marona lives on Phantom Isle in the land of Ivoire with a phantom named Ash. While he was still alive, Ash worked alongside Jasmine and Haze (Marona's parents) as a Chroma, a sort of bounty hunter. On an assignment at the Isle of Evil, a fragment of a malevolent being known as Sulphur attacked the group, mortally wounding them. Using the last of his life energy, Haze attempted to revive Ash after the battle. However, there was only enough life left in him to bring Ash back as a phantom. Haze and Jasmine's dying wish was for Ash to watch over their then-infant daughter Marona.
Marona is the only one able to see Ash in phantom form. This is primarily because of her unique ability known as Chartreuse Gale. This ability not only allows her to see and interact with phantoms, but temporarily bind their souls to objects and give them a temporary body using a skill called "Confine". Using this, she can summon Ash and other phantoms of her creation to the world of the living to aid her in her own endeavors as a Chroma, similar to the work done by her late parents. This work is very difficult for Marona, though. Because she possesses the Chartreuse, many assume that she is controlled by evil spirits and are afraid to even interact with her, much less employ her for Chroma work. Also, in the early portions of the story, people who offer Marona employment would rescind any rewards upon completion once they discover that she has the Chartreuse ability.
As she continued her Chroma work, Marona's path eventually crossed with a man named Walnut. Walnut prided himself on his status as a Chroma Oxide, one who secretly follows a Chroma on his mission and steals the reward for the work. Walnut regularly tries to meddle in Chroma-related matters involving Marona, but is rarely successful. As they continued their work, Ash and Marona also met a sickly young girl named Castille. Confined to a bed and a wheelchair for most of her life, Castille was unable to go out into the world or make friends. However, after helping Castille's family on an assignment, Marona agrees to be her friend, and leaves behind a Putty, a mischievous spirit found on an earlier assignment, to keep Castille company.
More time passes, and signs of Sulphur returning to Ivoire in full force are more apparent. Earthquakes increased in frequency and monsters plagued the land, with a lesser form of Sulphur known as Wraith appearing to attack Ash and Marona several times. Ash and Marona meet more people who are aware of these signs and are making preparations to battle Sulphur, if necessary. Among these individuals are Raphael, a knight from a legion known as the Nine Swords of Ivoire, and Sprout, a renegade soldier whose family was killed by Sulphur when he attacked many years earlier. Sprout seems to side with Ash in this fight, but Sprout is bent on the destruction of Sulphur at all costs, no matter the means used.
As preparations for the final battle are made and Ash and Marona return to the Isle of Evil, Raphael is found possessed by Sulphur, and so Ash and Raphael engages in a duel. Raphael is injured, and entrusts Ash with Heliotrope, his sacred sword, for use in his battle with Sulphur. At the center of the island lies a portal from which Sulphur is fully entering the world, and upon the heroes' arrival to this point, they expect to engage in combat with Sulphur immediately. However, they are intercepted by Sprout. Having gone mad from his own power, Dark Eboreus and by Sulphur's curse, Sprout attacks Ash and Marona. As he loses he kills himself with his sword Shiva in order to stop Sulphur within him, but Sulphur materializes anyway.
Ash and Marona finally enter battle with Sulphur, and after the fight, Sulphur is weakened, but still making an effort to enter into Ivoire. At that point, Walnut appears, and sacrifices his own life to close the seal between Ivoire and Sulphur's domain.
The protagonist of Phantom Brave is a 13 year old girl named Marona. Having lost her parents at a young age, Marona lives on Phantom Isle in the land of Ivoire with a phantom named Ash. While he was still alive, Ash worked alongside Jasmine and Haze (Marona's parents) as a Chroma, a sort of bounty hunter. On an assignment at the Isle of Evil, a fragment of a malevolent being known as Sulphur attacked the group, mortally wounding them. Using the last of his life energy, Haze attempted to revive Ash after the battle. However, there was only enough life left in him to bring Ash back as a phantom. Haze and Jasmine's dying wish was for Ash to watch over their then-infant daughter Marona.
Marona is the only one able to see Ash in phantom form. This is primarily because of her unique ability known as Chartreuse Gale. This ability not only allows her to see and interact with phantoms, but temporarily bind their souls to objects and give them a temporary body using a skill called "Confine". Using this, she can summon Ash and other phantoms of her creation to the world of the living to aid her in her own endeavors as a Chroma, similar to the work done by her late parents. This work is very difficult for Marona, though. Because she possesses the Chartreuse, many assume that she is controlled by evil spirits and are afraid to even interact with her, much less employ her for Chroma work. Also, in the early portions of the story, people who offer Marona employment would rescind any rewards upon completion once they discover that she has the Chartreuse ability.
As she continued her Chroma work, Marona's path eventually crossed with a man named Walnut. Walnut prided himself on his status as a Chroma Oxide, one who secretly follows a Chroma on his mission and steals the reward for the work. Walnut regularly tries to meddle in Chroma-related matters involving Marona, but is rarely successful. As they continued their work, Ash and Marona also met a sickly young girl named Castille. Confined to a bed and a wheelchair for most of her life, Castille was unable to go out into the world or make friends. However, after helping Castille's family on an assignment, Marona agrees to be her friend, and leaves behind a Putty, a mischievous spirit found on an earlier assignment, to keep Castille company.
More time passes, and signs of Sulphur returning to Ivoire in full force are more apparent. Earthquakes increased in frequency and monsters plagued the land, with a lesser form of Sulphur known as Wraith appearing to attack Ash and Marona several times. Ash and Marona meet more people who are aware of these signs and are making preparations to battle Sulphur, if necessary. Among these individuals are Raphael, a knight from a legion known as the Nine Swords of Ivoire, and Sprout, a renegade soldier whose family was killed by Sulphur when he attacked many years earlier. Sprout seems to side with Ash in this fight, but Sprout is bent on the destruction of Sulphur at all costs, no matter the means used.
As preparations for the final battle are made and Ash and Marona return to the Isle of Evil, Raphael is found possessed by Sulphur, and so Ash and Raphael engages in a duel. Raphael is injured, and entrusts Ash with Heliotrope, his sacred sword, for use in his battle with Sulphur. At the center of the island lies a portal from which Sulphur is fully entering the world, and upon the heroes' arrival to this point, they expect to engage in combat with Sulphur immediately. However, they are intercepted by Sprout. Having gone mad from his own power, Dark Eboreus and by Sulphur's curse, Sprout attacks Ash and Marona. As he loses he kills himself with his sword Shiva in order to stop Sulphur within him, but Sulphur materializes anyway.
Ash and Marona finally enter battle with Sulphur, and after the fight, Sulphur is weakened, but still making an effort to enter into Ivoire. At that point, Walnut appears, and sacrifices his own life to close the seal between Ivoire and Sulphur's domain.
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Rabu, 01 Mei 2013
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